Friday, December 19, 2008
it feels like july!
so my family and I are venturing to Texas for Christmas. whoever decided that an 18 hour drive with 6 people in one cramped minivan, should not get anything for Christmas. but in an attempt to take up 18 hours of time, I need some book suggestions. Ready, go!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Whew! I'm so thankful that God continues to convict me of my sins and make me realize I'm not perfect in the least. I'm also thankful for Midtown. The pastors there have been doing a series on giving and what it really means to give, what God thinks about giving, and providing us opportunities to give.
This week Dustin gave some facts that blew me away. Like how at an $40,000 income we are richer than 97% of the world. NINETY SEVEN PERCENT!!! And how Americans spend 450 BILLION dollars on Christmas every YEAR! when it would take 10 billion to supply clean water to the WHOLE WORLD! Are you kidding me!
Last week the whole church gave so that about 200 kids could have a Christmas. Then the pastor says, this week we don't want your money this week, instead we want your shoes! They partnered with Cooperative Ministries to help them collect shoes to give away. And immediately I thought of how after the sermon I had to go see my little brother in a musical, then we were going out to eat as a family and I couldn't go in a restaurant barefoot! And how I had just bought those shoes a week ago [on sale], and how my mom was not going to like that so I stayed in my seat and didn't give up my shoes. I thought about how I could bring in the shoes in my closet that I don't ever wear, and still keep the ones I had on. Then the band started to play and I could feel God laying it on my heart. Not laying...God put six elephants on my heart is what it really felt like! It was the coolest thing of my life. I knew I should be giving my shoes and I wanted to, but I kept making excuses. Finally somewhere in one of the songs I took them off and threw 'em on the massive pile.
God really convicted me because I feel like that is how I handle giving in life. Sure, I'd donate to Winter Days, or put some change in the salvation army bucket because its just change, and I tithe yes, but none of that is really sacrificial giving. Giving up my brand new shoes was a sacrifice for me. I'm really thankful I wore those shoes to church though, if it had been either of my other pairs it would not have been as big of a deal and probably would not of felt like a sacrifice.
This week Dustin gave some facts that blew me away. Like how at an $40,000 income we are richer than 97% of the world. NINETY SEVEN PERCENT!!! And how Americans spend 450 BILLION dollars on Christmas every YEAR! when it would take 10 billion to supply clean water to the WHOLE WORLD! Are you kidding me!
Last week the whole church gave so that about 200 kids could have a Christmas. Then the pastor says, this week we don't want your money this week, instead we want your shoes! They partnered with Cooperative Ministries to help them collect shoes to give away. And immediately I thought of how after the sermon I had to go see my little brother in a musical, then we were going out to eat as a family and I couldn't go in a restaurant barefoot! And how I had just bought those shoes a week ago [on sale], and how my mom was not going to like that so I stayed in my seat and didn't give up my shoes. I thought about how I could bring in the shoes in my closet that I don't ever wear, and still keep the ones I had on. Then the band started to play and I could feel God laying it on my heart. Not laying...God put six elephants on my heart is what it really felt like! It was the coolest thing of my life. I knew I should be giving my shoes and I wanted to, but I kept making excuses. Finally somewhere in one of the songs I took them off and threw 'em on the massive pile.
God really convicted me because I feel like that is how I handle giving in life. Sure, I'd donate to Winter Days, or put some change in the salvation army bucket because its just change, and I tithe yes, but none of that is really sacrificial giving. Giving up my brand new shoes was a sacrifice for me. I'm really thankful I wore those shoes to church though, if it had been either of my other pairs it would not have been as big of a deal and probably would not of felt like a sacrifice.
"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ" Phil. 4:8
Friday, December 5, 2008
MIA? huh uh!

ahh its so nice to have a few minutes to blog it up! I'm pretty sure I've been going non stop with something to do every other second of my day for a few weeks. Between college applications, writing essays for scholarships, quitting one job and starting another one, going to school, managing to get in yet another car wreck, three doctors appointments, and keep up with my social life of course..its been hectic. So I'm not ashamed whatsoever to say its 9:15 on a Friday night, I just got home from the fall sports banquet, and I'm staying home, watching the episode of The Office that I missed last night and going to bed!
Here are some things I've been contemplating in the meantime.
Really, why can't hot dog bun and hot dog producers get together to produce an equal ammount of both per package! There are 8 hot dogs, and 6 hot dog buns in most packages. Why not come to a happy meduim of 7?
On a more serious note, I've been thinking about the differences between the words peace and tranquility. Tranquility sounds much more appealing and meaningful. I think we've reduced "peace" to cute slogans and its something known, but not often experienced. Often I think peace is thought to be a product that God offers, but in reality, it's a result of having full, complete, trust in God. This peace, or tranquility, surpasses all the stress we manage to create for ourselves. It surpasses all understanding for that matter.
And on that note, I leave you, for The Office.
Sunday, November 16, 2008

So far I have about 8 posts in drafts folder that I have started and have yet to finish. Maybe I'll just start posting all of my unfinished ones together, and they'll a) leave you slightly confused and b) all together equal 1 full, finished post.
I can however say that I'm very super stoked about my week. I start my new job at an elementary after school program tomorrow, the Copeland concert is Wednesday which is going to rock your face, Thursday is the powder puff game which I am very pumped about, and this weekend is COVE! Then, when we get back from cove, we only have 2 days of school until thanksgiving break! Yeah uh!
Well before I click save now and add a 9th blog to my collection, I bid you adieu.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ah, failblog. i waste a lot of time on that website. This picture made me think of my road trip to Clemson last weekend. I love Clemson and I especially love Clemson in the fall. The ride up and back was gorgeous and the whole campus was beautiful as well.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
one another.
so I just thought I would share this because I found it way cool.
i went to the 7 o'clock midtown service tonight as usual and Dustin did an awesome sermon about how we are commanded to be hospitable. Not just with friends, but with everyone, Christians, non-christians, the poor, everyone! which is something that I need to work on. So i get home, walk in the door and my mom said she wanted to run something past me. A guy from our church is bringing 2 young adults up from Argentina for school, to work on their english, and for experience. One of the two is a 18 or 19 year old girl and so our friend asked if we would be willing to house her for a little while.
i went to the 7 o'clock midtown service tonight as usual and Dustin did an awesome sermon about how we are commanded to be hospitable. Not just with friends, but with everyone, Christians, non-christians, the poor, everyone! which is something that I need to work on. So i get home, walk in the door and my mom said she wanted to run something past me. A guy from our church is bringing 2 young adults up from Argentina for school, to work on their english, and for experience. One of the two is a 18 or 19 year old girl and so our friend asked if we would be willing to house her for a little while.
could God have been more obvious!? God's awesome right? I know. On the inside, my jaw dropped and i just kind of chuckled to myself. Hopefully she won't make fun of my lack of spanish abilities. I'm so excited about this!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
feliz cumpleanos
My birthday was earlier this month and I am officially legal! whoohoo! You know how when you have a birthday EVERYONE asks you if you feel older? I have never felt older, usually most people this young don't. But this year I do! I feel pretty stinkin old. 18 is a big year, or so I'm told. I was talking to Sco
tt via facebook chat the other day and we were evaluating the pros and cons of an 18th birthday. There really aren't too many pros as we discovered. You get to vote, and you can sign yourself out of school any time you want. The cons list however seems to be much more numerous. You can go to real, legit, martha stewart jail now, you are responsible for a lot more things now, like once you turn 18 you don't need a parent to sign anything for you leaving the responsibility of wise decisions up to me. But still, nothing too exciting comes with being 18, however I can get a tatoo on my own now! AND buy lottery tickets...whooo! I've heard the pick 3 is the way to go. I also have been planning with a dear friend to set up a library background in her living room, dress in oversized flannel vests and a pair of trousers, fake accents, and smoke a pipe for the first time. However, those plans seem to be falling through...hec hum.
I have always LOVED birthdays. And selfishly, especially my own. But suprisingly this year of all years I wasn't really too intense about it. No roller rink party this year! My birthday overall was fantastic though. I only go to school until lunchtime so that was excellent, and a friend of mine MADE me cookies!! ...not bought, MADE them! i know right? But thanks to facebook everyone can keep track of birthdays now, so all of my "happy birthday!" salutations at school was really nice too. Speaking of facebook, why is it a highlight of birthdays to see how many notifications you can get of a bunch of people saying the same thing? Because it's a self centered world, and we love to see how many people appreciate and love us. Mm hm. Maybe thats why it hurts so much when that one person mentions NOTHING about your birthday, because we feel like they're saying we have no value to them and that we aren't important enough for him to remember one day.
So my best friend threw me and Tom a surprise party last night!! I loooooooove love love love love surprises. Apparently there was a whole big plot that we were deceieived into with a mutual friend of ours tagging along for the ride to inform the party when we were coming. We were told it was a "halloween party" and it was, just with a surprise party mixed in! nice, right? check! I also feel that my awesome friend Sophie and I had the best costume of the century. We were homeschoolers. We wore these unfitted, shoulder padded, shin-length, up to the neck, little house on the prairie dresses, slicked our hair back tight with some nice bows, wore the ugliest shoes [that were strangely comfortable, go figure] and ruffled socks with our dress shoes. oh we were a sight. and we also were tied for most original/best costume! which was nice because we didn't get all frumpy for nothing! We continued to not only dress like homeschoolers but try to act like them at the party, we carried Bibles around and were going to stand off in the corner awkwardly at the beginning of the party. Not that I don't like homeschoolers, we both were actually homeschooled for a large majority of time. But we know the stereotype all too well and felt the need to convey and contrast it for everyone. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones who truly appreciated it. Eh, such is life.

I have always LOVED birthdays. And selfishly, especially my own. But suprisingly this year of all years I wasn't really too intense about it. No roller rink party this year! My birthday overall was fantastic though. I only go to school until lunchtime so that was excellent, and a friend of mine MADE me cookies!! ...not bought, MADE them! i know right? But thanks to facebook everyone can keep track of birthdays now, so all of my "happy birthday!" salutations at school was really nice too. Speaking of facebook, why is it a highlight of birthdays to see how many notifications you can get of a bunch of people saying the same thing? Because it's a self centered world, and we love to see how many people appreciate and love us. Mm hm. Maybe thats why it hurts so much when that one person mentions NOTHING about your birthday, because we feel like they're saying we have no value to them and that we aren't important enough for him to remember one day.
So my best friend threw me and Tom a surprise party last night!! I loooooooove love love love love surprises. Apparently there was a whole big plot that we were deceieived into with a mutual friend of ours tagging along for the ride to inform the party when we were coming. We were told it was a "halloween party" and it was, just with a surprise party mixed in! nice, right? check! I also feel that my awesome friend Sophie and I had the best costume of the century. We were homeschoolers. We wore these unfitted, shoulder padded, shin-length, up to the neck, little house on the prairie dresses, slicked our hair back tight with some nice bows, wore the ugliest shoes [that were strangely comfortable, go figure] and ruffled socks with our dress shoes. oh we were a sight. and we also were tied for most original/best costume! which was nice because we didn't get all frumpy for nothing! We continued to not only dress like homeschoolers but try to act like them at the party, we carried Bibles around and were going to stand off in the corner awkwardly at the beginning of the party. Not that I don't like homeschoolers, we both were actually homeschooled for a large majority of time. But we know the stereotype all too well and felt the need to convey and contrast it for everyone. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones who truly appreciated it. Eh, such is life.
Monday, October 6, 2008
It Is Well.
I am satisfied with what the world brings
I have made my mind to make my bed inside peace
I am satisfied with all this sky can bring
I have made my mind to live my life inside of peace
I have made my mind to make my bed inside peace
I am satisfied with all this sky can bring
I have made my mind to live my life inside of peace
[Friends & Romans -- Move]
There is something peaceful about the sound of "tranquility" Peace is such an overused word, its reduced to a slogan, something known but not fully experienced. But since we have not overused the word tranquility, it sounds so appealing, so... peaceful.
God promises us "perfect peace," that is tranquility. But its important to note that perfect peace isn't a product that He offers, but a result. It is the result of a steadfast mind, a mind that COMPLETELY trusts God.The better we focus our mind on God, the better we trust, the more we will experience the perfect peace that comes from God alone. This peace, or tranquility, passes all understanding. I don't think perfect peace is the result of God just removing all the chaos in our lives. Instead, it is the result of a mind that is focused solely on Him.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
1 peter 4:6-7
1 peter 4:6-7
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Cam the Man
I've heard some people say that the you should never favor one child over the others. And I agree, but Cameron is still my favorite. Just to clarify Cam is not my child, he's my brother, but people don't really say statistical stuff about siblings. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my siblings, but Cam is hilarious. Let me tell you why he is my favorite.
Last night I'm sitting at the computer probably on Stalkbook, around 11:38 when Cam comes out of his room, stands in the middle of the hallway and stares at me for a few seconds before going back into his room. Not 2 minutes later he comes back out, does the same thing and this time goes down the hallway to do who knows what, then goes back into his room. He continues to go in and out of his room for the next 10 minutes or so when finally I say, "CAMERON! go to bed!!" Here is his reaction. He abrubtly stops in front of the computer desk looks at me oh so solemnly and plainly says, "Please don't tell me how to live my life" and goes on his way down the hall. I'm pretty positive this was one of those you had to be there moments, so you might not find it funny, but his face was stinkin hilarious. This boy had no emotion and basically told me to get out of his face! I died laughing.
This is also the same kid that at our Christmas Eve dinner 3 years ago, when my grandma went around the table asking what everyone wanted for Christmas, 7 year old Cam sai
Did I mention that at 11 years old he already knows what college he wants to go to, and what he will be majoring in? He wants to go to Winthrop and major in teaching. Why winthrop? Right, well I asked him and he says, "The boy to girl ration is 1 to 20!! Which means Lindsey, I'll be a babe magnet!!"
This kid is out of control!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Psalm 86:5
So my teacher has started his own SSR time twice a week. For those who are confused, SSR stands for Sustained Silent Reading. Last year we were forced to take out 10 minutes of our lunch time to sit and read at the end of 4th period. For the most part SSR = naptime. So needless to say the program no longer exists and our classes are now 10 minutes longer instead. But anyways my english teacher does his own SSR twice a week for 20 minutes instead. I am a big fan. My view on SSR last year was, it's a waste! in 10 minutes you could get in about 3 or 4 pages of a book. yipee? no no, not worth it at all. However 20 minutes is awesome.
So during SSR I came across some interesting stuff. Greg Spencer gave a lecture once about the power of metaphors. Consider what metaphors people use when considering the topic of cancer. We fight cancer, we battle cancer, etc. Spencer pointed out that most metaphors listed were related to war. Spencer believes that due to the word choices that people who are diagnosed with cancer feel more burdened than they should.
"Science has shown that the way people think about cancer affects
their ability to deal with the disease, thus affecting their
overall health. Because of war metaphors, we are more likely to
fear cancer when, actually, most people survive the disease."
Interesting stuff right? so i started thinking a lot about metaphors for the remaining 16 minutes of SSR. when talking about relationships we tend to use economic metaphors. We value people, we invest time into them relationships are priceless. Hm. So basically, we tend to think of love as a commodity. When someone does something that is beneficial to us, we like them and feel they have value to us. Think about it, if someone has an opposing opinion to yours and they are so convinced that they are right, your wrong...usually your not their #1 fan. However, we tend to finance the ones who do agree and support us. We use love like money, but love shouldn't work like money. It isn't a commodity.
So during SSR I came across some interesting stuff. Greg Spencer gave a lecture once about the power of metaphors. Consider what metaphors people use when considering the topic of cancer. We fight cancer, we battle cancer, etc. Spencer pointed out that most metaphors listed were related to war. Spencer believes that due to the word choices that people who are diagnosed with cancer feel more burdened than they should.
"Science has shown that the way people think about cancer affects
their ability to deal with the disease, thus affecting their
overall health. Because of war metaphors, we are more likely to
fear cancer when, actually, most people survive the disease."

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Ashley

9.13.1990 - 8.16.2006
"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." --- Kahlil Gibran
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It's the end of the world as we know it...
First of all, I went browsing through other random blogs just now and I laughed. Why? Because i find it VERY humorous when people put pictures of celebrities or models as their picture. Like they really expect me to believe they look like Brittney Spears? not.
In other news, we will all be sucked into a huge black hole come next month. Not really, well it depends on your take on The Cern is. I bet you have no idea what i'm talking about. It's actually the reason for the way Google looks today. check it [ ]

So basically over 8,000 physicists from over 85 countries put together the world's largest and highest energy particle accelerator that is supposed to collide opposing proton beams. What this collision is supposed to do is create the supposed Higgs boson, which is supposedly the missing particle from the "big bang". Now as a Christian, I think this is a load of bologna because by trying to discover how matter came to be, your trying to find God. So please, carry on. But anyways, i guess at 4.5 billion pounds, not dollars, pounds. They are going to find something right? Maybe we'll figure out how to teleport. And when they start conducting all of these experiments [in October.. hopefully after the 13th so i can enjoy my birthday] watch out for that black hole.
In other news, we will all be sucked into a huge black hole come next month. Not really, well it depends on your take on The Cern is. I bet you have no idea what i'm talking about. It's actually the reason for the way Google looks today. check it [ ]

So basically over 8,000 physicists from over 85 countries put together the world's largest and highest energy particle accelerator that is supposed to collide opposing proton beams. What this collision is supposed to do is create the supposed Higgs boson, which is supposedly the missing particle from the "big bang". Now as a Christian, I think this is a load of bologna because by trying to discover how matter came to be, your trying to find God. So please, carry on. But anyways, i guess at 4.5 billion pounds, not dollars, pounds. They are going to find something right? Maybe we'll figure out how to teleport. And when they start conducting all of these experiments [in October.. hopefully after the 13th so i can enjoy my birthday] watch out for that black hole.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
thought i would share a piece of one of my favorite songs at the moment.
a lot of times i forget stuff, for instance my blog password. but how awesome is it that God gave up his ONLY SON to die for my baggage!! how rad is that! and i am FOREVER forgetting how undeserving i am. i deserve death. i always think about this sermon dustin did when he talked about Philippians 2 and how we are to do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing. anyways, he said, are you complaining? do you even UNDERSTAND the gospel? cause if you did, we would find no reason to complain.
so, just chew on that for a bit.
Arrested by your truth and righteousness
your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness.
convicted by your spirit, led by your word
your love will never fail
your love will never fail
‘Cause I know you gave, the world your only son for us to
know your name, to live within the Saviours love and he took MY PLACE,
knowing he’d be crucified and you loved, you loved, a people undeserving.
your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness.
convicted by your spirit, led by your word
your love will never fail
your love will never fail
‘Cause I know you gave, the world your only son for us to
know your name, to live within the Saviours love and he took MY PLACE,
knowing he’d be crucified and you loved, you loved, a people undeserving.
a lot of times i forget stuff, for instance my blog password. but how awesome is it that God gave up his ONLY SON to die for my baggage!! how rad is that! and i am FOREVER forgetting how undeserving i am. i deserve death. i always think about this sermon dustin did when he talked about Philippians 2 and how we are to do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing. anyways, he said, are you complaining? do you even UNDERSTAND the gospel? cause if you did, we would find no reason to complain.
so, just chew on that for a bit.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Perfect Gentleman
I have come to the conclusion, that my second favorite quality in a guy, is being a gentleman. If you ever went to a girls lock-in or a summer camp where girls were in some sort of small group together, you have made a list of qualities you want for your future husband. Allow me to read mine from the 7th grade.
Hubby Qualities
[please don't judge me, i don't use "hubby" anymore]
[please don't judge me, i don't use "hubby" anymore]
- Growing Christian
- Sense of humor
- "A" graduate
- sensitive to me and others
- athletic
- wants to be a dad
- pure
- likes to have fun
- loves me for me
- is good with kids
- good looking
- a gentleman
- no smoking
- no drugs
- not an alcoholic
- faithful
I'm just going to stop here to prevent any more embarrassment to myself. I'm so glad that him being funny [#2] is more important than him being faithful to me in our marriage [#16] and also that not an alcoholic is a criteria AFTER being good looking. man 7th grade...awesome. Not that any of those are really bad, per say. It's just a weird order, so I would definitely need some rearranging and subtracting/adding of the criteria.
Back to being a gentleman, now, 5 grades later my list would be a lot different. Like I said, I have come to realize that being a gentleman would be somewhere around second on my list. I love that kind of guy. The one who opens the door for you, and were not just talking regular doors, car doors too. He offered up his seat anytime a girl walked in the room and will sit on the floor instead, or offers the girl the front seat in the car while he climbs to the back. Don't forget all of the "after you"s. Basically he will put a girl's needs before any of his own, and enjoys it. Honestly, I can only think of one guy I would consider to really be a gentleman. Which is sad...maybe I'm too harsh. Not that I expect every guy to do that, actually I've come not to expect it from most guys. Which is fine, because the guys I know are my friends, so it could be awkward when good ol' friendship opens the car door for me. But I mean, I still love that regardless. I think it can show maturity too, not always though. However, it definitely shows respect.
I know this will be so hard to believe when those of you who know me read this, but I don't always LET guys help me. Hm. I'm not really sure why either. Opening doors? yes please, check, done. But when it comes to carrying things, unless I'm really about to keel over, I can usually handle it so thanks but no thanks. It's not that I don't want their help, it's just that I know I can carry a box or a suitcase on my own.
So I feel like I just made myself to be a hypocrite because I talked about how I love the "gentleman" attitude, but I then basically I said I don't always need it. I'm very hard to understand, like an onion, lots of layers. Please believe, I'm not one of those crazy women's rights activists or anything that thinks women should rule the world. Anyways, I guess men, never be afraid to offer your strong manly help, but if she shoots you down, don't take it personally, women CAN do things for themselves sometimes. Hmph, that didn't really help either. Never mind, I'm sorry for all the confusion.

Back to being a gentleman, now, 5 grades later my list would be a lot different. Like I said, I have come to realize that being a gentleman would be somewhere around second on my list. I love that kind of guy. The one who opens the door for you, and were not just talking regular doors, car doors too. He offered up his seat anytime a girl walked in the room and will sit on the floor instead, or offers the girl the front seat in the car while he climbs to the back. Don't forget all of the "after you"s. Basically he will put a girl's needs before any of his own, and enjoys it. Honestly, I can only think of one guy I would consider to really be a gentleman. Which is sad...maybe I'm too harsh. Not that I expect every guy to do that, actually I've come not to expect it from most guys. Which is fine, because the guys I know are my friends, so it could be awkward when good ol' friendship opens the car door for me. But I mean, I still love that regardless. I think it can show maturity too, not always though. However, it definitely shows respect.
I know this will be so hard to believe when those of you who know me read this, but I don't always LET guys help me. Hm. I'm not really sure why either. Opening doors? yes please, check, done. But when it comes to carrying things, unless I'm really about to keel over, I can usually handle it so thanks but no thanks. It's not that I don't want their help, it's just that I know I can carry a box or a suitcase on my own.

So I feel like I just made myself to be a hypocrite because I talked about how I love the "gentleman" attitude, but I then basically I said I don't always need it. I'm very hard to understand, like an onion, lots of layers. Please believe, I'm not one of those crazy women's rights activists or anything that thinks women should rule the world. Anyways, I guess men, never be afraid to offer your strong manly help, but if she shoots you down, don't take it personally, women CAN do things for themselves sometimes. Hmph, that didn't really help either. Never mind, I'm sorry for all the confusion.
Friday, August 29, 2008
News Flash

So recently I have been watching a lot of Fox News...for several reasons.
1) My grandmother is in town and I'm pretty sure she believes that is the only channel all TV sets receive because that is ALL she watches. oh, well she watches wheel of fortune too, she could make wheel of fortune go bankrupt if she was on that show.
2) I am a registered voter this year and I feel it is my civil duty to at least know a little bit about the issues and people I'm choosing between.
3) I really enjoy watching the anchors get frustrated and yell at each other and then wish each other "the best" and flash their pearly whites at the end.
Yes I know niether of these fine young men are candidates this year. i just really like this picture.
I hate it when people try to bring up politics like they know what their talking about though. I will openly admit I know little to nothing about politics. [a side note: a flock of geese just flew by my window, doesn't that mean winter's coming?] I know a little bit about each party and some stuff about what each candidate stands for etc. etc. I'm not really a fan of politics now that I think about it. When it gets down to 2 months before the election the candidates just start focusing on how McCain doesn't even know how many homes he has and how un-american that is or how Obama has the right to say Palin has no experience, when Obama has never even been governor. I don't know much about Palin, but personally I'm really excited we have a woman candidate for the Republican party, did you know she has 5 kids! That should be experience enough. I joke.
I was thinking about it and have we ever had such opposite candidates? When you consider age, race, experience in power, faith in the government and their views on the world they are definitely contrasting. Obama is a whole generation younger than McCain. BUT, they are going after the same voters, independents who aren't die hard for one party or another.
So, there's the wisdom I have taken in and you will probably never hear me talk about politics again. That one's free. ha! Approximately 2 months and 5 days to election day!
Monday, August 25, 2008
so for the last month I have been fruitlessly trying to remember my old blog user name & password combination. I, being lazy rather enjoy the "always remember me" application on my computer and I continue to live my carefree life. However all hell WILL break loose when somehow your computer decides not to remember your information anymore. Thinking about it, i have a lot of subscriptions to multiple sites that use my e-mail and some sort of password, and I don't know the password to most of them. problemo. anyhow, after a month of all this hard brain work I just gave up and made a new blog. hoo rah. however, this new blog did not come without hours of eye-squinting as I attempted to read the dumb pack of letters smooshed together not making any sense. don't understand?
these things are the biggest pain!! i understand they serve a great purpose to all internet users in that they block viruses and prevent robots from invading cyber space. which is great and all, but why the heck do they have to be so complicated! these set of words are MUCH easier than the one's that blogger provides might i add. ridiculous. this is official stuff we are dealing with here.
anyways, welcome to my blog the second.

anyways, welcome to my blog the second.
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