I've heard some people say that the you should never favor one child over the others. And I agree, but Cameron is still my favorite. Just to clarify Cam is not my child, he's my brother, but people don't really say statistical stuff about siblings. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my siblings, but Cam is hilarious. Let me tell you why he is my favorite.
Last night I'm sitting at the computer probably on Stalkbook, around 11:38 when Cam comes out of his room, stands in the middle of the hallway and stares at me for a few seconds before going back into his room. Not 2 minutes later he comes back out, does the same thing and this time goes down the hallway to do who knows what, then goes back into his room. He continues to go in and out of his room for the next 10 minutes or so when finally I say, "CAMERON! go to bed!!" Here is his reaction. He abrubtly stops in front of the computer desk looks at me oh so solemnly and plainly says, "Please don't tell me how to live my life" and goes on his way down the hall. I'm pretty positive this was one of those you had to be there moments, so you might not find it funny, but his face was stinkin hilarious. This boy had no emotion and basically told me to get out of his face! I died laughing.
This is also the same kid that at our Christmas Eve dinner 3 years ago, when my grandma went around the table asking what everyone wanted for Christmas, 7 year old Cam sai
Did I mention that at 11 years old he already knows what college he wants to go to, and what he will be majoring in? He wants to go to Winthrop and major in teaching. Why winthrop? Right, well I asked him and he says, "The boy to girl ration is 1 to 20!! Which means Lindsey, I'll be a babe magnet!!"
This kid is out of control!