I have always LOVED birthdays. And selfishly, especially my own. But suprisingly this year of all years I wasn't really too intense about it. No roller rink party this year! My birthday overall was fantastic though. I only go to school until lunchtime so that was excellent, and a friend of mine MADE me cookies!! ...not bought, MADE them! i know right? But thanks to facebook everyone can keep track of birthdays now, so all of my "happy birthday!" salutations at school was really nice too. Speaking of facebook, why is it a highlight of birthdays to see how many notifications you can get of a bunch of people saying the same thing? Because it's a self centered world, and we love to see how many people appreciate and love us. Mm hm. Maybe thats why it hurts so much when that one person mentions NOTHING about your birthday, because we feel like they're saying we have no value to them and that we aren't important enough for him to remember one day.
So my best friend threw me and Tom a surprise party last night!! I loooooooove love love love love surprises. Apparently there was a whole big plot that we were deceieived into with a mutual friend of ours tagging along for the ride to inform the party when we were coming. We were told it was a "halloween party" and it was, just with a surprise party mixed in! nice, right? check! I also feel that my awesome friend Sophie and I had the best costume of the century. We were homeschoolers. We wore these unfitted, shoulder padded, shin-length, up to the neck, little house on the prairie dresses, slicked our hair back tight with some nice bows, wore the ugliest shoes [that were strangely comfortable, go figure] and ruffled socks with our dress shoes. oh we were a sight. and we also were tied for most original/best costume! which was nice because we didn't get all frumpy for nothing! We continued to not only dress like homeschoolers but try to act like them at the party, we carried Bibles around and were going to stand off in the corner awkwardly at the beginning of the party. Not that I don't like homeschoolers, we both were actually homeschooled for a large majority of time. But we know the stereotype all too well and felt the need to convey and contrast it for everyone. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones who truly appreciated it. Eh, such is life.