Answer: what are my first pair of ballet shoes.
Dance is one of the things in my life I wish I hadn't given up/still did. I love dance. Lyrical, (and Partner, when I was old enough) were my favorites and tap was always a struggle. Too bad being in company requires you to spend every weekday from 4-9 and every weekend from 9-4 rehearsing. So that's why I quit, in case you were wondering. My favorite partner Willie and I did a routine for Amazing Feets at the district auditorium and I'm pretty sure it's on my computer somewhere. I'll look into it. I remember one time I was teaching a little kids ballet class, as in 7 year olds, with the shortest attention spans ever. But they were supposed to be sashaying across the floor and Danielle apparently couldn't hold it. A straight line of pee across the dance floor, wiped up by yours truly. Oh kids.

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